Church Leadership Support

Harriet Wilkin has an innovative approach to Church Administration, Worship, and Program Design.

While honoring tradition, Harriet approaches Spiritual formation through Worship, Prayer, and Bible Studies through an eclectic mix of church resources and materials.
Harriet takes a creative and out of the box thinking approach to her ministry work. 
Harriet understands that everyone learns differently and that we are all on our own numerical spiritual journey.

Harriet supports and is an advocate for First Responders, Veterans, their families and people with disabilities.

Disability and Awareness – with emphasis on neurodiversity

Podcast by Adam Brenner: What's Up: Episode 1: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In this episode, Adam and I have a conversation about PTSD and what I experienced being married to my late husband who was a 1st Responder and Veteran.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - What's Up | Podcast on Spotify

New Years Day Walk with PTSD, by Adam Brenner

New Years Day Walk with PTSD - YouTube

Supporting Clergy of faith communities and Chaplains in developing programs or ministries for First Responders, Military Veterans and active Military personnel, and their families.

Learn Skills for Church Administration

Click this link to learn more about each of the courses.

Sign up today on the waiting list. 

Sign up today and be a part of a community where you can share ideas and struggles, support one another over this next year. Each course cost $125.00. For $500.00 for the year, you will receive not only information through these courses on budgeting, marketing, communication, but also be able to have conversation with other church leaders from around the country. 

Plus, Harriet will be available not only in the online course, but you can reach her by email to have further conversation and consultation. 

All of this for $500.00 for the year! 


Harriet has been involved at many levels of church ministry for over 20 years. Her background includes administration, management, leadership, and communications (online, print media, and in person). Harriet's expertise is in organizing, planning, and implantation of programs and projects. She likes to be creative and to think outside the box. She brings a pastoral presence when in conversation and in her work. 
Harriet's late husband was a First Responder and Veteran. As a spouse of a First Responder and Veteran, and now as a widow she understands PTSD and how injury shapes retirement, life and one's marriage. 
She has her Master of Divinity Degree from Claremont School of Theology. Harriet has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Critical Communications.